Year 6
Mrs Marchant Class teacher Deputy Headteacher
Miss Pollard Teaching Assistant
Important Information
- Children may bring in a snack to enjoy during morning playtime. This must be a piece of fresh fruit or veg or a healthy cereal bar.
- Children are welcome to bring in age-appropriate reading books from home if they wish to read during quiet reading.
- Spellings are given out on a Monday to be brought back ready for our Spelling Quiz on the following Friday.
- Our PE day changes often - you will be updated via schoolcomms when our PE day changes. Currently, we are studying invasion games on a Monday afternoon.
Please follow us on twitter @ShadeYear6 to keep up to date with school events and Year 6 successes.
What We Will Learn in Year Six
Click the Image for a full year overview!
Our TOP recommendations for online resources to support learning are: - PLEASE encourage children to work on their time tables. They are crucial in the Years 5 and 6 maths curriculum (if you have lost your child's login then please get in contact and I will send their details over as soon as I can)! - - There are countless games and activities linked to all parts of the curriculum on here (if you have lost your child's login then please get in contact and I will send their details over as soon as I can). - We have student access to Discovery Education's Espresso site... there are lots of themed activities, fact files, online games and printable activities for students from Nursery to Year 6.
Year 6: Autumn Term
Year 6: Spring Term
Year 6: Summer Term
Autumn Term
- In Maths we will lay the ground with place value and the four calculations. As Christmas approaches, we will be investigating area and perimeter.
- In English this half term we are using the film of Carrie's War as our stimulus. After the holidays we will be studying a new book called Wonder which explores Auggie Pullman's life living with Treacher Collins syndrome.
- In our enrichment time, we will be exploring Mike Barrett and experimenting using his artistic style.
Our History topic is World War 2 and the Home Front. We will be taking a trip to Murton Park as Evacuees where we will learn to live as children of the 1940s.
For Science, we will be working with electricity - looking at simple and parallel circuits. In the second half of the term, we will look at Light - how it travels and how we can manipulate it.
Spring Term
- In Maths we are tackling fractions, decimals and percentages to begin with. We will then move on to ratio and algebra.
- In English, we will continue to read Wonder before our SATs preparation begins.
- Our History and Geography topic for this term is North America, starting with the geography of the USA - the extremes of weather and population from Alaska to Hawaii. We will then look at the modern History of Native Americans, the European immigrants and the African slave trade - from the Pilgrim Settlers through to Obama.
In Science we will be focusing on animals and their habitats. This includes evolution and adaptation in the first half term and then we will be looking in more detail at living things and their habitats - using the creatures of North America as our focus.
Summer Term
- Let's not beat about the bush. The first half of this term, we will be preparing for the SATS tests. BUT, we will make plenty of time for fun and relaxation too.
- After SATS we will spend some of our Maths time on Computing - looking at spreadsheets and other data handling.
- Our English will be focusing on short texts, including some lovely picture books to prompt our own longer writing.
We will be romping though the decades in History - from the 50s to the Teenies - looking at popular culture and key events of latter part of the 20th Century. Meanwhile, in Geography, we will be learning some mapping skills and looking in detail at our local environment.
In Science we will be learning about the body - starting with the heart, lungs and circulatory system.
- It's a big term for us - Shade Shines and the Leavers' Assembly are both coming up. And - of course - we will be preparing to move on to our new schools. Transition visits will take place ready for the next phase in our school journey.