Miss McCracken is Shade's PSHE and RSE leader.
At Shade, we follow the Twinkl Life PSHE and Citizenship scheme. We aim to prepare children for life after school and give them the necessary skills and understanding needed to thrive in modern Britain. The scheme is in line with the Learning Outcomes and Core Themes outlined in the PSHE Association Programme of Study which are:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Relationships
- Living in the Wider World
Please see the ‘Curriculum Overview’ for more information.
PSHE is taught weekly in every class on a Wednesday morning. These ‘Well-being Wednesday’ mornings give the opportunity for children to learn more about themselves, others, and the world they live in. Discussions, activities, and photographs are recorded in class floor books which can be looked back at by children over the course of the year.
PSHE is an integral part of our ethos and curriculum and can be seen in the books we read in class, our displays and our school initiatives.