Shade Primary School

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Knowlwood Road, Todmorden, Lancashire OL14 7PD

01706 812913

Shade Primary School

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day

  1. Curriculum
  2. Classes
  3. Year 5
  4. Year 5 (old)


Year 5 

Mr Rolfe - Class Teacher

Mrs Heald - Teaching Assistant (am)

Mrs Barker - 1:1 Support

Take a look at our long term planning to see what we will be getting up to in Year 5: 


As you will already be aware, Shade School will be closed from the 20th March until further notice. Children who were in school on 20th March will have received a Home Learning Pack. Below I have added some ideas and useful links to keep Year 5 busy! I will keep this updated and send texts out when I have done so. If you have any questions/queries then please either ring school or email Mrs Clarkson ( and I will do my best to help.

Mr Rolfe

Mrs Heald and Mrs Barker

Home Learning Resources

27.4.20.pdf - attached is the weekly learning overview for Week Beginning 27th April. - this is a link to the White Rose daily maths lessons. They include a short video and activities to do at home! I suggest starting at Week 1. 


Coronavirus-ABookForChildren.pdf Picture story for corona- younger kids.pdf - Here are two child friendly documents to help you explain and talk about Coronavirus. 


 Important Information:

  • Our library day is Thursday. During our library session, children can take books out of our well-stocked school library.
  • Children are given the opportunity to change their home reading books after lunchtime. The changing of these books will be monitored.
  • Children swim EVERY OTHER MONDAY and are either in Group 1 or Group 2 (spare letters with groupings on are in the classroom).
  • Children may bring age-appropriate reading books in form home to enjoy during Quiet Reading sessions.

Malham Residential! - 30th - 31st January 2020

Year 5 loved their overnight residential to Malham! We got chance to see Malham Cove, Gordale Scar and Janet's Foss. What a brilliant introduction to our Rivers topic!

Halloween Disco - 26th October 2019

Year 5 had a spook-tacular time at the Halloween disco with the rest of KS2! They played party games, braved the Slime Room and danced the night away. Thankfully, Mr Rolfe captured some terrifying photos from the night.

Science - Phases of the Moon

We are loving our first Science topic, Earth and Space. We have been looking at why the moon appears to change shape in the sky. We used Oreos to help us which turned out to be a very popular (and messy!) way of learning about the moon's phases.